Holiday Island Water System - Annual Drinking Water Quality Report
HISID Utility Rate Analysis (October 31, 2024)
PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES (PRV) REPLACEMENT COMPLETION: Our water system is comprised of a total of 36 PRV’s.30 of the PRVs have been replaced and the remaining 6 older PRVs are still operational and will be replaced as they fail (Note: Replacement PRVs are on hand).
Well #1: Is located on and supports the Island residents. Well capacity is operating efficiently at 34.5%
Well #2: Not currently in use due to detectable radium levels over the state allowable limit. To be able to utilize the well in future, will need to utilize reverse osmosis.
Well #4: Well capacity is operating efficiently at 87.9%.
Well #5: Well capacity is operating efficiently at 89.8%. A new generator was installed in January 2025 after a lightning strike in December 2024.
Well #6: Not certified for public water consumption; currently using for golf course irrigation.
Well #7: Not certified for public water consumption; currently using for golf course irrigation.
STATUS OF WATER TOWER: The following water towers are inspected annually under a maintenance contract with USG Water Solutions (With exception of the La Quinta Loop).
Quail Run Dr (400K): Exterior renovation is planned for this year by USG Water Solutions
Rocky Top Circle (100K): Planning to touch up interior in 2025
Fire Tower located at 78 Holiday Island Dr (175K): Planning to touch up interior in 2025
Summit located at 26 Mercury Ln (200K): Interior washout is planned for this year by USG Water Solutions.
Hydropillar located at La Quinta Loop (500K - Hydropillar): Steps are underway to establish a maintenance contract to address items identified on the 2024 inspection report.
WATERLINE LEAKAGE: Our existing system is losing in excess of 70% of our treated water. As a result, HISID is researching companies to potentially utilize their existing technology to identify locations of service line leakage. If the research proves successful, the new technology could be utilized to precisely locate the source of the leaks to allow for repairs, thereby significantly reducing the amount of treated water loss.
FIRE HYDRANT FLUSHING: We have a total of 208 hydrants that the water department is working to provide flushing maintenance on. The majority are on 4” lines versus larger 6” or 8” lines. Due to the smaller 4” line sizes and the special steps needed to do proper flushing, the Water Department is the only department conducting the hydrant flushings.
ULTRAVIOLET (UV) DISINFECTION SYSTEM: Our current permit, which was renewed in April of 2022 by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality through authorization by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, sets forth the limitations on what can be discharged from our facility. When this permit was renewed, we received a new limitation on Total Residual Chlorine (TRC). The limit in our permit now calls for TRC is 0.10 mg/L on an instantaneous max and the date to achieve this new limit is 1 Apr 2025. Our chlorine gas system cannot reliably meet this new limit to disinfect the effluent prior to discharge into Table Rock Lake. After evaluating several disinfectant system options, the HISID Board of Commissioners (BOC) determined that replacement of our chlorination system with a UV disinfection system was the best option to meet the new TRC requirement. In January 2025, the BOC approved REGULATION NO. 14, AMENDMENT NO. 9 (Revising of rates & charges based off results of the 2024 HISID Utility Rate Analysis) & REGULATION NO. 14, AMENDMENT NO. 10 (Establishing the rates for services to be furnished by the sewer system). With the approval of REGULATION NO. 14, AMENDMENT NO. 10, the BOC then approved moving forward with the $597,880 bid from Seven Valleys Concrete for the installation of the UV disinfection system. Oversight of the installation will be through our consultant Engineering Services Inc.
Drilling of New Well: The Water Department is researching a potential capital improvement to drill a new well near the La Quinta Loop hydropillar in the next 2-3 years. Having a well near the hydropillar would eliminate the need for it to be filled via booster pumps from well #5. The new well would reduce strain on well #5 and provide redundancy between all of the mainland wells.
restaurant rehab underway - 2/7/25